The OrderEase API (application programming interface) allows for integration with OrderEase from your desktop, web or mobile application. Our API allows your application to do much of what a user would be able to do from our web interface such as adding a new inventory item, creating a looking good list or updating your inventory quantity.


NOTE:  The API documentation on this page is a previous version, we are in the process of converting our documentation to Swagger.  Please use this link to access our V2 API documentation.


Protocols / Encoding

The OrderEase API supports two common protocols and methods of data encoding.

REST/JSON: The first method uses simple HTTP POST and GET calls, with the request and response data encoded in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). Although we don’t adhere strictly to the REST style architecture, you may think of this as a “REST-like” service, and for convenience we’ll refer to it in this documentation as our “REST” service. Each major entity in the system is represented by a root URL, followed by the operation you wish to perform, followed by a unique identifier for that entity. For example, to update the quantity of a product, the operation URL would be something like “/supplierinventory/updatequantity/SKU”. Again, while we don’t follow the REST architecture strictly, we typically follow the pattern of /entity/operation/uniqueidentifier

SOAP/XML: The second method we support is SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) with the request and response encoded in XML. This protocol is commonly used in conjunction with Microsoft technologies and languages, and using Visual Studio, it’s very easy to generate and use a WCF proxy client for each service. Like our REST service, each major entity in OrderEase such as orders and inventory has its own root service, which contains operations for that entity such as retrieve, update or add.


Whether you choose to use REST or SOAP, all calls to and from our API services are encrypted using HTTPS / SSL. If you’re using REST, you will not need to do anything special except ensure that you are prefixing your URLs with HTTPS. (If you forget to do this, don’t worry, we’ll automatically redirect your call to HTTPS anyway.) If you’re accessing our SOAP service through WCF, you’ll need to ensure that you turn on transport security in the HTTP binding. If you generate a client through Visual Studio or the svcutil.exe utility, it should automatically take care of this for you.


Each OrderEase user has their own unique API key. You can view your API key by logging on to the OrderEase application (, clicking on your username in the top right of the screen (next to the words “Logged in as”) and then clicking on the “API Key” tab. If you do not see this tab, please contact the administrator of your account to give you access. You will provide this key with every API call that you make. It will be the first parameter of the service method (if you’re using SOAP) or it will be the first part of the URL after the service name (if you’re using REST)

If your API key is ever stolen or compromised, you can generate a new one on this same screen by clicking the “Generate New Key” button

Getting Started with REST / JSON


The URL for our live site is:

The URL for our testing site is (note the protocol is HTTP, not HTTPS for the testing site only):


The typical pattern for each operation is:


(The unique identifer is omitted when not applicable, for example, when retrieving a list of items as opposed to a single item.) If the request requires additional data, such as when adding an inventory item, it will be passed along in the body of the request and encoded as JSON.

The HTTP verb you will use (GET vs. POST) will depend on the nature of the call. Typically, if you are requesting data and nothing will be changed as a result of the call, we will use the GET verb. If your call will result in data being added, updated or deleted, we will use the POST verb.

Finally, ensure that you add an “Accept” HTTP header with the value of “application/json”, otherwise the service will return XML rather than JSON.


The response body (also encoded as JSON) will contain the following properties:

  • Error Will contain the error message if there is a problem, or will be null if the operation completed successfully.
  • Success True if the operation completed successfully, false if the operation had an error and did not complete.
  • Result This property will contain the result data, where applicable. If the operation does not return a result, this property will be omitted. The data type of the result object will depend on the nature of the operation – it might be an order, an inventory item, a list of categories etc.

If there is a problem or error, the HTTP response code will be 400 (Bad Request). If the operation completes successfully, the HTTP response code will be 200 (OK).

In the event of an authentication problem (invalid or missing API Key), the HTTP response code will be 403 (Forbidden). The result will contain a single property, “Reason”, which will contain an explanation of why the request could not be authenticated.

Working With Products

Add an Item


This operation will allow you to add a new item to inventory. The request URL contains only your API Key. The request body contains an InventoryItemRequest object. The response returns the same object back to you, with the Id populated so that you can uniquely identify this item on subsquent calls.

The InventoryItemRequest has the following properties:

  • Id: (Integer). On your request, you may omit this value. In the response, this value will be populated with the new unique indentifier for this item.
  • CategoryId: (Integer). Required. This must be a valid identifier for one of your categories. If you do not know the ids of your categories, you can make a call into the “GetAll” operation of the “CategoryService”
  • Description: (String). Required. A short, one sentence description of this item.
  • PrivateSKU: (String). Required. Must be unique in your inventory.
  • LocationId: (Integer). Optional. If supplied, it must represent a valid identifier of one of your locations. If you do not know the ids of your locations, you can make a call into the “GetAll” operation of the “LocationService”
  • UPC: (String). Optional. Universal product code of this item, if applicable.
  • MinOrderSpring: (Integer). Optional. This is the minimum amount of this item that must be ordered in the spring.
  • MinOrderSummer: (Integer). Optional. This is the minimum amount of this item that must be ordered in the summer.
  • FreightFactor: (Decimal/Float). Optional.
  • QuantityAvailable: (Integer). Optional. This is the total number of this item in stock and available for sale.
  • Comments: (String). Optional. A longer description of the item, typically one to five sentences if required.
  • SuggestedRetailPrice: (Decimal/Float). Optional. The manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) if applicable.
  • OpenSizeDescription: (String). Optional. Short description of the size. e.g 12×12, 16 pound bag, 1.5 litres, etc.
  • DirectDeliveryMinQuantity: (Integer). Optional. The minimum required on a direct delivery order.
  • NetPrice: (Decimal/Float). Optional. Also known as the catalog price, this is the base price a buyer will pay for this item if they are not entitled to any special pricing or a buyer group discount.
  • SlaveQuantityPerMaster: (Integer) Optional. When an item is priced individually but sold in bulk, this value represents the number of smaller items which make up the larger quantity. For example, if you sell 100 per skid, this value would be “100”
  • SlaveQuantityDescription: (String). Optional. When an item is priced individually but sold in bulk, this value represents the description of smaller items which make up the larger quantity. For example, if you sell 100 plants per skid, this value might be “each” or “plant”
  • MasterQuantityDescription: (String). Optional. When an item is priced individually but sold in bulk, this value represents the description of the larger item. For example, if you sell 100 plants per skid, this value would be “skid”.
  • DirectDeliveryCode: (String). Optional
  • Inactive: (Boolean). Optional. When true, this item will not appear to buyers.
  • IsDirectDelivery: (Boolean) Optional. When true, this item can only be ordered with other direct-delivery items.

Sample Request Body: An InventoryItemRequest object, as described above. (other properties have been omitted for brevity)

  • ProductFeatures: (Array) Optional.    A product can have an unlimited number of feature tags associated with it.  Examples of use include hardiness zone for plants, colour, size, and shape properties of clothing items, etc.    Please contact your sales rep / support before using this feature
  • (other properties have been omitted for brevity)
    "PrivateSKU": "ABCDEF", 
    "Description": "This is my new product", 
    "CategoryId": 30, 
"NetPrice": 20.12 }

Sample Response:

    "Error": null,  
    "Success": true,  

        "CategoryId": 30,  
        "Comments": null,  
        "Description": "This is my new product",  
        "DirectDeliveryCode": null,  
        "DirectDeliveryMinQuantity": 0,  
        "FreightFactor": 0,  "Id": 14172,  
        "Inactive": false,  
        "IsDirectDelivery": false,  
        "LocationId": null,  
        "MasterQuantityDescription": null,  
        "MinOrderSpring": 0,  
        "MinOrderSummer": 0,  
        "NetPrice": 20.12,  
        "OpenSizeDescription": null,  
        "PrivateSKU": "ABCDEF",  
        "QuantityAvailable": 0,  
        "SlaveQuantityDescription": null,  
        "SlaveQuantityPerMaster": null,  
        "SuggestedRetailPrice": null,  
        "UPC": null,
"ProductFeatures": [
"FeatureId": "b7d0d15a-11e9-4d1e-a184-2611915a4da8",
"FeatureGroupName": "Colour",
"Value": "grey",
"Language": null
"FeatureId": "b7d0d15a-11e9-4d1e-a184-2611915a4da8",
"FeatureGroupName": "Colour",
"Value": "grise",
"Language": "FR"
] } }

Result Properties: Properties of the InventoryItemResponse object, same as the request above.

Update an Item


This operation will allow you to update an inventory item. The request URL contains only your API Key. The request body contains an InventoryItemRequest object.

Every property of the inventory item will be overwritten with the values you provide (even if you provide null or zero). Furthermore, if you omit an optional property in your request, you’ll be essentially setting that value to it’s default value (typically zero or null). Therefore, it’s highly recommended that you first fetch the item, change the properties you need to change and then send the entire item as the request body. This way, no properties of the item will be overwritten inadvertently with defaults. Please take note of the properties such as PrivateSKU, Category ID and description which cannot be null or blank

When determining which item is being updated, it is the “Id” property which is used to uniquely identify the item. Effectively, the Id property is read-only and can never be updated.

The response returns the same object back to you

The InventoryItemRequest has the following properties:

  • Id: (Integer). Required. This is used to identify the item being updated. Read-only – may not be updated.
  • CategoryId: (Integer). Required. This must be a valid identifier for one of your categories. If you do not know the ids of your categories, you can make a call into the “GetAll” operation of the “CategoryService”
  • Description: (String). Required. A short, one sentence description of this item.
  • PrivateSKU: (String). Required. Must be unique in your inventory. You may update the SKU, but you will get an error if another item alreadt has this SKU.
  • LocationId: (Integer). Optional. If supplied, it must represent a valid identifier of one of your locations. If you do not know the ids of your locations, you can make a call into the “GetAll” operation of the “LocationService”
  • UPC: (String). Optional. Universal product code of this item, if applicable.
  • MinOrderSpring: (Integer). Optional. This is the minimum amount of this item that must be ordered in the spring.
  • MinOrderSummer: (Integer). Optional. This is the minimum amount of this item that must be ordered in the summer.
  • FreightFactor: (Decimal/Float). Optional.
  • QuantityAvailable: (Integer). Optional. This is the total number of this item in stock and available for sale.
  • Comments: (String). Optional. A longer description of the item, typically one to five sentences if required.
  • SuggestedRetailPrice: (Decimal/Float). Optional. The manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) if applicable.
  • OpenSizeDescription: (String). Optional. Short description of the size. e.g 12×12, 16 pound bag, 1.5 litres, etc.
  • DirectDeliveryMinQuantity: (Integer). Optional. The minimum required on a direct delivery order.
  • NetPrice: (Decimal/Float). Optional. Also known as the catalog price, this is the base price a buyer will pay for this item if they are not entitled to any special pricing or a buyer group discount.
  • SlaveQuantityPerMaster: (Integer) Optional. When an item is priced individually but sold in bulk, this value represents the number of smaller items which make up the larger quantity. For example, if you sell 100 per skid, this value would be “100”
  • SlaveQuantityDescription: (String). Optional. When an item is priced individually but sold in bulk, this value represents the description of smaller items which make up the larger quantity. For example, if you sell 100 plants per skid, this value might be “each” or “plant”
  • MasterQuantityDescription: (String). Optional. When an item is priced individually but sold in bulk, this value represents the description of the larger item. For example, if you sell 100 plants per skid, this value would be “skid”.
  • DirectDeliveryCode: (String). Optional
  • Inactive: (Boolean). Optional. When true, this item will not appear to buyers.
  • IsDirectDelivery:. (Boolean) Optional. When true, this item can only be ordered with other direct-delivery items.
  • ProductFeatures: (Array) Optional.    A product can have an unlimited number of feature tags associated with it.  Examples of use include hardiness zone for plants, colour, size, and shape properties of clothing items, etc.    Please contact your sales rep / support before using this feature


Sample Request Body: An InventoryItemRequest object, as described above. (Optional properties have been omitted for brevity)

    "Id": 14172, 
    "PrivateSKU": "ABCDEF", 
    "Description": "This is my new product", 
    "CategoryId": 30, 
    "NetPrice": 20.12    

Sample Response:

    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true, 

        "CategoryId": 30, 
        "Comments": null, 
        "Description": "This is my new product", 
        "DirectDeliveryCode": null, 
        "DirectDeliveryMinQuantity": 0, 
        "FreightFactor": 0,  "Id": 14172, 
        "Inactive": false,  "IsDirectDelivery": false, 
        "LocationId": null,  "MasterQuantityDescription": null, 
        "MinOrderSpring": 0, 
        "MinOrderSummer": 0, 
        "NetPrice": 20.12, 
        "OpenSizeDescription": null, 
        "PrivateSKU": "ABCDEF", 
        "QuantityAvailable": 0, 
        "SlaveQuantityDescription": null, 
        "SlaveQuantityPerMaster": null, 
        "SuggestedRetailPrice": null, 
        "UPC": null,
"ProductFeatures": [
"FeatureId": "b7d0d15a-11e9-4d1e-a184-2611915a4da8",
"FeatureGroupName": "Colour",
"Value": "grey",
"Language": null
"FeatureId": "b7d0d15a-11e9-4d1e-a184-2611915a4da8",
"FeatureGroupName": "Colour",
"Value": "grise",
"Language": "FR"
} ] } }

Result Properties: Properties of the InventoryItemResponse object, same as the request above.

Get an Item By SKU


This operation will allow you to fetch a single item by it’s SKU. The request URL contains your API Key and the SKU of the item you want to retrieve. If the item is not found, it will result in an error.

The request body is empty.

The response is an InventoryItemResponse object.

Sample Response:

    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true, 

        "CategoryId": 30, 
        "Comments": null, 
        "Description": "This is my new product", 
        "DirectDeliveryCode": null, 
        "DirectDeliveryMinQuantity": 0, 
        "FreightFactor": 0,  "Id": 14172, 
        "Inactive": false, 
        "IsDirectDelivery": false, 
        "LocationId": null, 
        "MasterQuantityDescription": null, 
        "MinOrderSpring": 100, 
        "MinOrderSummer": 200, 
        "NetPrice": 20.12, 
        "OpenSizeDescription": null, 
        "PrivateSKU": "ABCDEF", 
        "QuantityAvailable": 0, 
        "SlaveQuantityDescription": null, 
        "SlaveQuantityPerMaster": null, 
        "SuggestedRetailPrice": null, 
        "UPC": null 

Update The Available Quantity of an Item


This operation will allow you to update the available quantity on a single item in your inventory. In addition to your API Key, you must supply the item’s SKU and the new quantity. All of these parameters are part of the URL. The request body is emtpy. The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

CatalogReference is OPTIONAL
  To update the master(general) inventory, do not include CatalogExternalReference.   To update the inventory quantity for a specific catalog in OrderEase, include the External Reference (found on the Products/Catalog page when logged into OrderEase)

  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true 

Result Properties: N/A

Update the Available Quantity for Multiple Items


This operation allows you to update the available inventories of multiple items in your inventory in a single call. All information to update is passed in via the body of the request.  The response will contain the "Error" and "Success" properties, but no result.

  • Request Body:
"SKU": "string - SKU to update quantities for",
"Quantity": integer - Available quantity
"Catalog": "string - OPTIONAL - the catalog to update quantities for. If excluded this will update the general inventory"
  • Sample Response:
"Error": null,
"Success": true


Update the Available Quantity for Multiple Items (resetting all non-specified items in specified catalogs to zero)


This operation allows you to update the available inventories of multiple items in your inventory in a single call. All information to update is passed in via the body of the request.  The response will contain the "Error" and "Success" properties, but no result.

Before updating the quantities, this call will reset the available quantity for all items in all included catalogs to zero.

  • Request Body:
"SKU": "string - SKU to update quantities for",
"Quantity": integer - Available quantity
"Catalog": "string - OPTIONAL - the catalog to update quantities for. If excluded this will update the general inventory"
  • Sample Response:
"Error": null,
"Success": true



In OrderEase, a “relationship” represents an instance of your company being connected to another company.  As a supplier, then being in a relationship with a company means that they can see your pricing and catalog and place orders with you.

Our API provides operations to see all customers, and in that result set will show a 'relationships' status of approved and pending meaning if the customer has created their account or not. 

Get Customer

This operation will retrieve a single customer record.

A relationship object contains private information you have stored about the requested company. This includes details of your customer contact(s), and the customer data including the number/value you have stored for this company as reference to your accounting package. To see this information, use this API call and specify the ID of the company.


  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null,
    "Success": true,

        "ContactEmail": "",
        "ContactName": "Jack Bauer",
        "ContactPhone": "4165551212",
        "Id": 10395,
        "OurBillToNumber": null,
        "OurCompanyNumber": "JF-553535",
        "SerializedTaxInfo": null

Result Properties:

The result is a “Relationship”. The “Relationship” object has the following properties:

  • ContactEmail: Private email address you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • ContactName: Private contact name you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • ContactPhone: Private contact phone number address you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • Id: This is a unique identifier of the relationship (not of the company itself).
  • OurBillToNumber: This is YOUR bill-to company reference number, perhaps from another software package such as your accounting system.
  • OurCompanyNumber: This is YOUR company reference number, perhaps from another software package such as your accounting system.
  • SerializedTaxInfo: This field can hold serialized tax information you have provided which, when downloading orders, helps create an import file for your accouting package that correctly calculates taxes. Please contact us for more information on this feature.

Get All Customers


Retrieve a list of all customers of any status: approved or pending.

  • Request Body: Empty

The GetAllRelationships has the following properties:

  • Id: An internal OrderEase Id for API calls
  • OurCompanyNumber: An internal field for your company number
  • OurBillToNumber: An internal field for your billing number
  • ContactName: The name of the primary contact at the company
  • ContactPhone: The phone number of the company
  • ContactEmail: The email address of the company attempting to form a relationship
  • PublicName:
  • PublicEmail:
  • PublicPhone:
  • Website: The website of the company
  • StreetAddress: The address of the company
  • City: The city of the company
  • StateProv: The state or province of the company
  • ZipPostal: The ZIP or Postal code for the company
  • Country: The country of the company (Will be Canada, US or Other)
  • SerializedTaxInfo: Tax rate information
  • SalesRep: Array of sales reps
  • Name: The sales rep name
  • Email: The email address of the sales rep
  • Phone: The phone number of the sales rep

Get Pending New Customers

This operation will list all the companies that have requested to be a new customer of yours and are waiting for you to approve their request. Because they're not already your customer, you will only see their public address, phone number and email address, such as one could find on their website or in a phone book.


  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null,
    "Success": true,
    "Result": [

            "City": "Vancouver",
            "CompanyName": "Shovels By Doug",
            "CompanyType": "Retail",
            "CompanyTypeId": 1,
            "ContactName": "Doug Norman",
            "Email": "",
            "Id": 7883,
            "Phone": "604-555-3240",
            "ProvState": "BC",
            "RequestDate": "/Date(1441724842307-0400)/",
            "RequestingCompanyId": 64462

Result Properties:

The result is an array of PendingRelationship.

The PendingRelationship object has the following properties:

  • City: City where the requesting company is located.
  • CompanyName: Name of the company requesting the connection.
  • CompanyType: Description of the requesting company type, such as “Retail” or “Municipality”.
  • CompanyTypeId: Identifier of the requesting company type.
  • ContactName: Contact at the requesting company.
  • Email: General email address of the requesting company.
  • Id: A unique identifier for this relationship request (not the ID of the requesting company). You will need this number if you wish to make an API call to approve the request.
  • Phone: Phone number of the requesting company.
  • ProvState: Province or state where the requesting company is located.
  • RequestDate: The date and time the request was made.
  • RequestingCompanyId: The unique identifier of the company making the request.

Accept New Customer

This operation will allow you to approve a pending customer request. Invoking this operation will trigger a workflow which, among other things, will notify the requesting customer by email that their request has been approved.

There is no request body, however as part of the request URL, you must specify the unique identifier of the customer you wish to approve. You must add this to the URL after the API Key. You can find the Id of all your pending customers by calling the “Get Pending New Customers” operation.


  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Result Properties: N/A

Get All Company Types

In OrderEase, companies are organized according to types such as “Greenhouse Grower, “Municipality” or “Retail”. When you’re inviting customers to your OrderEase account, you’ll need to know which company type to assign. This API call lists all company types so you will be able to view them all and assign the correct one.

There is no request body


  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response (Not all values displayed for brevity):
    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true,
    "Result": [

            "Description": "Retail",
            "Id": 1
            "Description": "Irrigation",
            "Id": 2
            "Description": "Landscaper",
            "Id": 3
            "Description": "Lawn Care",
            "Id": 4

Result Properties: The result is an array of “CompanyType”. The “CompanyType” object has the properties “Id” and “Description”.

Add Customers

This API call will allow you to invite your customers to your OrderEase account. You begin by sending a list of companies with all the important information such as name, address, phone number and email. First, we will validate the incoming data to make sure that no required information is missing.

Every company that passes validation will be added. We will send them an invitation with a unique link that will allow them to accept their account. When they click the link to accept their account, you will receive an email notification.


Request Body: An array of companies, with the following properties:

  • Name: Required. This is the name of the company
Required one of the three fields below to match a company in the system:
  • FormattedPhone1: Main phone number of the company.
  • City: City where the company is located.
  • Email1: Primary email address for this company.
  • CompanyType: Must be the description of one of our built-in company types. For reference, make this API call.
  • Address1: Primary address, typically a street address.
  • Address2: May be omitted, or may be a suite number, PO box number or other.
  • Country: Must be exactly: “Canada “or “US”
  • ProvState: Must be the two letter abbreviation such as ON or NY.
  • PostalCode: Postal Code (Canada) or Zip Code (U.S)
  • Contact1: Name of our main public contact at the company
  • Web: This company’s web site address.
  • PrivateContactName: Name of our private, personal contact at this company
  • PrivateContactEmail: Email address of the private contact, above.
  • PrivateContactPhone: Phone number of the private contact, above.
  • OurCompanyNumber: Our internal reference number for this company, perhaps from our accounting system or another software package.
  • OurBillToNumber: Our internal reference number for this company, perhaps from our accounting system or another software package.
        "Address1":"123 Main Street",
        "Address2":"RR #1",
        "Contact1":"Jennifer Young",
        "Name":"The Place",
        "PostalCode":"K8V 3J8",
        "PrivateContactName":"Jonh Fash",

Request Body:

  • CompaniesAlreadyMembers This is the list of companies that are invited but already have OrderEase accounts.
  • CompaniesInvited This is the list of companies who were added and invited.
  • Problems If there are problems with the data which is preventing us from validating the companies, this array will contain all of the errors you need to correct.
  • SuccessfulImport This will be true if validation passed and all companies were invited. If false, there was a validation error and you should look at the “Problems” array to see what the problems are.
    "Error": null,
    "Success": true,

        "CompaniesAlreadyMembers": ["ABCD", "XYZ"],
        "CompaniesInvited": ["JFK"],
        "Problems": [],
        "SuccessfulImport": true

Update Customer Details


Updates the details of the relationship.

Request Body: Only the following fields will be updated

  • ContactPhone: Your contact phone number at the company
  • ContactEmail: Your contact email address at the company
  • ContactName: The name of your contact at the company
  • OurCompanyNumber: Your internal company number (for example, CompanyId)
  • OurBillToNumber: Your internal billing number (for example, BillingId)


    ContactPhone: "888-476-6527",
    ContactEmail: "",
    ContactName: "Ian Sales",
    OurCompanyNumber: "CO-2115",
    OurBillToNumber: "B-2115"

The response will contain the "Error" and "Success" properties, but no result.

Sample Response:

    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true 

Working With Orders

Get All Statuses

During the lifecycle of an order, it will go through many stages as it’s created, submitted, confirmed, shipped and eventually completed. An order might also be cancelled or put on hold. At each stage, an order will have a buyer status and a supplier status. It’s important to know what all the available statuses are so that you can understand what stage an order is currently in, it’s history and it’s possible next steps.

This operation lists all the order statuses in OrderEase which are available to you as buyer (if you’re logged in a a buyer) or as a supplier (if you’re logged in as a supplier). It will be rare, but not impossible, that OrderEase will introduce new order statuses in the future. Therefore, while it’s advisable to cache this data, you should also periodically check for updates.


  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null,
    "Success": true,
    "Result": [

            "Id": 4,
            "Status": "Rejected"
            "Id": 5,
            "Status": "Open"
            "Id": 6,
            "Status": "Open / Revised"
            "Id": 10,
            "Status": "Confirmed"
        "Id": 8,
            "Status": "Supplier Submitted"
            "Id": 15,
            "Status": "Shipped"
            "Id": 20,
            "Status": "Completed"
            "Id": 25,
            "Status": "Cancelled"
            "Id": 30,
            "Status": "On Hold"

Result Properties:

The result is an array of OrderStatus.

The OrderStatus object has the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for this order status. Use this value when you need to specify a status in other calls, or identify the current status in other calls.
  • Name: The status name.

Get Order Details

This operation will get a single order along with all the details such as the items ordered, quantity and price.


  • The OrderId is required in the request URL, and is the unique identifier for this order.
  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null,
    "Success": true,
    "Result": {
    "AnticipatedShipDate": "/Date(1458792000000+0000)/",
    "BuyerComment": null,
    "BuyerCompany": {

        "Address1": "58 Red Drive.",
        "Address2": null,
        "City": "Barrie",
        "CompanyType": "",
        "CompanyTypeId": 1,
        "Contact1": "Michael Norman",
        "Contact1Desc": "Regional VP",
        "Contact2": null,
        "Contact2Desc": "Contact Name",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "DeliveryAreaFeesAndMethod": null,
        "Email1": "",
        "Email1Desc": "Email",
        "Email2": "",
        "Email2Desc": "Home.",
        "FormattedPhone1": "705-770-3240",
        "FormattedPhone2": "705-429-4250",
        "Id": 1,
        "Name": "Buyer Name",
        "Phone1Desc": "Business",
        "Phone2Desc": "Home",
        "PostalCode": null,
        "ProductsAndSpecialties": null,
        "ProvState": "ON",
        "Web": ""

    "BuyerCompanyId": 1,
    "BuyerPO": "",
    "BuyerStatus": "",
    "BuyerStatusId": 105,
    "ContactName": null,
    "CreatedDate": "/Date(1452807298790+0000)/",
    "Details": [

            "AddedBySupplier": false,
            "AdditionalDiscount": 0,
            "CatalogPrice": 6.5,
            "ItemId": 20421,
            "ItemIsDirectDelivery": true,
            "ItemName": "ACER PALMATUM BENI MAIKO #3 Pot",

            "Price": 6.175,
            "PrivateSKU": "24111",
            "QuantityConfirmed": 2,
            "QuantityRequested": 2,
            "QuantitySent": null,
            "Size": null,

            "SubstitutedById": null,
            "SubstitutedForId": null

    "Freight": null,
    "Id": 22306,
    "IsDirectDelivery": true,
    "OrderNumber": "00016-000385",
    "PaymentTerm": "",
    "PaymentTermId": 1019,
    "RequestedShippingDate": null,
    "ShippingDate": null,
    "Status": null,
    "SupplierComment": null,
    "SupplierCompany": {

        "Address1": "35 Jake Cres",
        "Address2": null,
        "City": "Barrie",
        "CompanyType": "",
        "CompanyTypeId": 1,
        "Contact1": "Sam Soily",
        "Contact1Desc": "President",
        "Contact2": "Dora Dirt",
        "Contact2Desc": "Vice President",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "DeliveryAreaFeesAndMethod": null,
        "Email1": "",
        "Email1Desc": "Email",
        "Email2": null,
        "Email2Desc": "Email",
        "FormattedPhone1": "705-212-5039",
        "FormattedPhone2": "",
        "Id": 16,
        "Name": "Supplier Name",
        "Phone1Desc": "Phone #",
        "Phone2Desc": "Phone #",
        "PostalCode": "L4N QN6",
        "ProductsAndSpecialties": null,
        "ProvState": "ON",
        "Web": null

    "SupplierCompanyId": 16,
    "SupplierPO": null,
    "SupplierStatusId": 10

Result Properties:

The result is an “Order” object. In addition to having many of the properties of “OrderSummary” class below, the “Order” class has a “Details” property which is an array of “OrderDetails”. “OrderDetails” has the following properties:

  • AddedBySupplier: True if the item was added by the supplier after it was submitted by the buyer.
  • AdditionalDiscount: Any additonal discount amount, in dollars, added by the supplier.
  • CatalogPrice: The standard catalog price of this item. (May or may not be the price the buyer actually pays). Compare with the “Price” property below which is the price the buyer actually pays on this order.
  • AdditionalDiscount: Any additonal discount amount, in dollars, added by the supplier.
  • ItemId: The unique identifier of the item.
  • ItemIsDirectDelivery: True if the item is direct delivery
  • ItemName: The name of the item ordered.
  • Price: The actual price the buyer pays for this item on this order.
  • PrivateSKU: The SKU of the item being ordered.
  • QuantityConfirmed: The quantity confirmed by the supplier.
  • QuantityRequested: The quantity requested by the buyer.
  • QuantitySent: The quantity shipped by the supplier.
  • Size: The size of the item.
  • SubstitutedById: If not null, this is the Id of the item which was substituted in for this item.
  • SubstitutedForId: If not null, this is the Id of the item for which this item was substituted in.

Get Supplier Orders By Status

If you are logged in as a supplier, this operation will get all of your orders in OrderEase which match one or more supplier statuses you specify. In the body of the request, you provide an array of integers which represents the ids of the statuses you want to match, for example 15 (shipped) and 20 (completed). This operation will return an array of all orders which are either shipped or completed. If you don’t know the ids which correspond the statuses you want, you can make a call to “Get All Statuses” to see all order statuses and their corresponding ids.


Request Body: An array of one or more integers which represent the status id(s) you want to match

[5, 10]

Sample Response: An array of OrderSummary objects:

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true,
    "Result": [

            "AnticipatedShipDate": null,
            "BuyerCompanyId": 16,
            "BuyerCompanyName": "Soils Demo Company",
            "BuyerPO": null,
            "BuyerStatus": "",
            "CreatedDate": "/Date(1390839015963+0000)/",
            "FormattedAnticipatedShipDate": "",
            "FormattedCreatedDate": "Jan 27 2014",
            "FormattedRequestedShippingDate": "Feb 12 2015",
            "IsDirectDelivery": false,
            "OrderNumber": "00001-000036",
            "PaymentTerm": "Net 30",
            "RequestedShippingDate": "/Date(1423717200000+0000)/",
            "ShippingDate": null,
            "SupplierCompanyId": 1,
            "SupplierCompanyName": "Link Green",
            "SupplierPO": null,
            "SupplierStatus": "Open",
            "SupplierStatusId": 5

Result Properties:

The result is an array of OrderSummary. The OrderSummary object has the following properties:

  • AnticipatedShipDate: The date on which the supplier has indicated they expect to ship the order. May be null if not indicated by the supplier. See “FormattedAnticipatedShipDate” for a more human-readable representation.
  • BuyerCompanyId: Unique identifier of the buyer company on this order.
  • BuyerCompanyName: The name of the company which is the buyer on this order.
  • BuyerPO: The buyer’s purchase order, if any. May be null.
  • BuyerStatus: The buyer’s status of this order – typically “Submitted” but might also be “Cancelled” or “On Hold”.
  • CreatedDate: The date the order was created. See “FormattedCreatedDate” for a more human-readable representation.
  • IsDirectDelivery: “true” if this is a direct-delivery order, “false” otherwise.
  • OrderNumber: A unique order number for this order.
  • PaymentTerm: A description of the payment terms for this order.
  • RequestedShippingDate: The date the buyer has requested for shipping. See “FormattedRequestedShippingDate” for a more human-readable representation.
  • ShippingDate: The final, actual date the order shipped. May be null.
  • SupplierCompanyId: A unique identifier of the supplier company on this order.
  • SupplierCompanyName: The name of the company which is the supplier on this order.
  • SupplierPO: The supplier purchase order number, if any. May be null.
  • SupplierStatus: A description of the supplier’s order status, such as “Confirmed” or “Shipped”.
  • SupplierStatusId: Identifier of the supplier’s order status.


Add a New Pricing Level


This operation will allow you to create a new pricing level allowing you to set new pricing on multiple products.

Request body:

Contains a PricingLevelRequest object with three properties and a list of levels and prices of inventory items for sale for this pricing level.

  • Name: Required: Display name for managing the pricing level. Name must be less than 30 characters long
  • EffectiveDate: The date that a pricing level will take effect. For example, you can set "Summer" pricing or a weekly sale level
  • EndDate: The date that a pricing level will no longer be active. For example, you can set "Summer" pricing or a weekly sale level
  • InventoryItems: An array of PricingLevelItemRequest items. A list of your products and pricing levels / breakpoints for this product level.
  • SupplierInventoryItemId: The Id of the item to add to this pricing level. You can find the Id by using [Get An Item By SKU]
  • Price: The cost of the item
  • MinimumPurchase: The minimum number of items that must be purchased to get this price

You may have multiple rows for a single inventory item at various breakpoints to allow bulk discounts.

    Name: "New Pricing Level",
    EffectiveDate: "\/Date(1515603578)\/",
    EndDate: null,
    InventoryItems: [

        SupplierInventoryItemId: 10417,
        Price: 26.25,
  	MinimumPurchase: 25
  	SupplierInventoryItemId: 10417,
  	Price: 26.00,
  	MinimumPurchase: 50
  	SupplierInventoryItemId: 10417,
  	Price: 25.00,
  	MinimumPurchase: 100
  	SupplierInventoryItemId: 10598,
  	Price: 400.00,
  	MinimumPurchase: 5

The response is a PricingLevelRequest

Sample Response:

  "Error": null,
  "Success": true,
    Name: "New Pricing Level",
    EffectiveDate: "/Date(1515603578)/",
    EndDate: null,
    InventoryItems: [

        SupplierInventoryItemId: 10417,
  	Price: 26.25,
  	MinimumPurchase: 25
  	SupplierInventoryItemId: 10417,
  	Price: 26.00,
  	MinimumPurchase: 50
  	SupplierInventoryItemId: 10417,
  	Price: 25.00,
  	MinimumPurchase: 100
  	SupplierInventoryItemId: 10598,
  	Price: 400.00,
  	MinimumPurchase: 5
] } }

Update The Catalog Price of an Item


This operation will allow you to update the catalog price (also known as the net price) on a single item in your inventory. This is the standard price a buyer will pay if they do not have access to special pricing, or if they are not eligible for a buyer group discount. In addition to your API Key, you must supply the item’s SKU and the new price. All of these parameters are part of the URL. The request body is emtpy. The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true 

Result Properties: N/A

Buyer-Supplier Relationships

List Suppliers


This operation will retrieve a list of suppliers who you have an active relationship with.

Request Body: Empty

Sample Response: 

		"Id": 1558,
		"Name": "The Nursery",
		"OurContactInfo": {
			"ContactName": null,
			"Email": null,
			"Id": 1558,
			"OurBillToNumber": null,
			"OurSupplierNumber": "SUP-NURS-001",
			"Phone": "5552125555"
		"Id": 119315,
		"Name": "LinkGreen Sample Company",
		"OurContactInfo": {
			"ContactName": null,
			"Email": null,
			"Id": 119315,
			"OurBillToNumber": null,
			"OurSupplierNumber": "SUPLG1",
			"Phone": "5552125555"

Result Properties:

The result is a list of "BuyerSupplierSimple". The "BuyerSupplierSimple" object has the following properties:
  • Id: The internal OrderEase Id that can be used for additional API requests
  • Name: The supplier's company name
  • OurContactInfo: The primary contact for this relationship

OurContactInfo contains the following properties:

  • ContactEmail: Private email address you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • ContactName: Private contact name you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • ContactPhone: Private contact phone number address you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • Id: This is a unique identifier of the relationship (not of the company itself).
  • OurBillToNumber: This is YOUR bill-to company reference number, perhaps from another software package such as your accounting system.
  • OurCompanyNumber: This is YOUR company reference number, perhaps from another software package such as your accounting system.


This operation allows you to retrieve a full list of products a supplier has for sale and prices.


Request Body: Empty

Response Body:

		"BuyerLinkedSkus": null,
		"CatalogPrice": 6.42,
		"Description": "12\" Ext. Hook Black",
		"Inventory": 1000,
		"ItemId": 118746,
		"Pricing": [
				"MinQuantity": 10,
				"Price": 6.30
				"MinQuantity": 100,
				"Price": 6.20
		"SizeDescription": "",
		"SupplierSKU": "04111"
		"BuyerLinkedSkus": null,
		"CatalogPrice": 8.24,
		"Description": "23\" Branch Hook",
		"Inventory": 1000,
		"ItemId": 118747,
		"Pricing": [
				"MinQuantity": 10,
				"Price": 8.10
				"MinQuantity": 100,
				"Price": 8.05
		"SizeDescription": "",
		"SupplierSKU": "04123"


The result is a list of SupplierInventoryItemSimple. The SupplierInventoryItemSimple object has the following properties
  • BuyerLinkedSkus: A list of SKUs for related items
  • CatalogPrice: The catalog (default) price for this item. IMPORTANT NOTE: A supplier can determine if they will share their default price, so for some suppliers this value may not be returned.
  • Description: A long description of the product for sale
  • Inventory: The number of items currently available for sale from this supplier NOTE: A supplier can determine if they will share their available inventory, so for some suppliers this value may not be returned.
  • ItemId: A unique Id for the inventory item for use in API calls
  • Pricing: An array of prices with quantity breaks
  • SizeDescription: A word or phrase used to describe a unit (e.g. Each, Flat)
  • SupplierSKU: The supplier's SKU for this item


Update Contact Information

This operation allows you to update the contact information for this supplier in the relationship.


This operation will allow you to create a new pricing level allowing you to set new pricing on multiple products.

Request body:

Contains a PricingLevelRequest object with three properties and a list of levels and prices of inventory items for sale for this pricing level.

Request Body:

  Id: 1254,
	Phone: "5552125555",
	Email: "",
	ContactName: "Ian Sales",
	OurSupplierNumber: "CO-2115"
	OurBillToNumber: "B-2115"
  • Id: Required. The Id of the supplier to update. This can be found via ListSuppliers
  • Phone: Private contact phone number address you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • Email: Private email address you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • ContactName: Private contact name you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • OurBillToNumber: This is YOUR bill-to company reference number, perhaps from another software package such as your accounting system.
  • OurSupplierNumber: This is YOUR company reference number, perhaps from another software package such as your accounting system.

Response Body:

	Id: 1254,
	Phone: "5552125555",
	Email: "",
	ContactName: "Ian Sales",
	OurSupplierNumber: "CO-2115"
	OurBillToNumber: "B-2115"
The response will contain the updated supplier contact record.
  • Id: The Id of the supplier.
  • Phone: Private contact phone number address you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • Email: Private email address you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • ContactName: Private contact name you have saved for a contact at this company, if any
  • OurBillToNumber: This is YOUR bill-to company reference number, perhaps from another software package such as your accounting system.
  • OurSupplierNumber: This is YOUR company reference number, perhaps from another software package such as your accounting system.

Supplier Orders


A typical usage on this group of functions would follow this pattern:

  1. ConfirmOrder (with all parameters)

Or, doing this individually if required by your external logic:

  1. SetConfirmedQuantities for each item on the order
  2. SetShipdate
  3. SetSupplierPO
  4. ChangeOrderStatus (Confirmed)

Then at Shipping:

  1. SetShippingQuantities for each item on order
  2. ChangeOrderStatus (Shipped)


Confirm Order

This operation will allow you to confirm an order submitted by a buyer.


Request body:

Contains a PricingLevelRequest object with three properties and a list of levels and prices of inventory items for sale for this pricing level.

Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to confirm

Request Body:

	"PoNumber": "66589",
	"AnticipatedShipDate": "2018-02-25",
	"Items": [
			"Sku": "",
			"Quantity": 1,
			"Price": 5.26
	"ConfirmOrder": true
  • PoNumber: Set the PO number for the order
  • AnticipatedShipDate: The date that the order is anticipated to ship
  • ConfirmOrder:Flag the order as confirmed
  • Items:A list of items to confirm

Items contains the following properties

  • Sku: The product SKU to confirm
  • Quantity: The quantity to confirm
  • Price: The confirmed price for the order

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true 

Set Confirmed Quantity

This operation allows you to confirm the available quantity of the specified item once an order has been placed.


Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to update
  • Quantity: The quantiy of products that is available / confirmed
  • ItemId: The item on the order that is confirmed

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true 

Set Ship Date

This operation allows you to set a ship date for the order.


Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to update
  • ShipDate: The date the order was or will be shipped

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true 

Set Supplier PO

This operation allows you to set a purchase order number for the order.


Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to update
  • PO: A purchase order number for internal use

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Change Order Status

This operation lets you update the status of an order in OrderEase.

NOTE: When an order status is changed, OrderEase will send an email notification to the buyer informing them of the order status change, along with appropriate values that have been altered on the order.


Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to update the status of
  • StatusId: The Id of the status to switch to. The list of status codes can be retrieved from{APIKEY}

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Substitute Product

This operation allows you to substitute an unavailable item with an item in stock.


Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to update
  • OldItemId The id of the product being replaced on the order
  • NewItemId The id of the item that will be replacing the product

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Remove Substitution

This operation allows you to remove a previously applied product substitution.


Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to update
  • SubstitutedById: The id of the product that was replacing the product

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Add Item

This operation will allow you to add a product to an existing order.


Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to update
  • ItemId: The Id of the item to add to the order
  • Quantity: The quantity of items to add to the order

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Set (Override) Price

This operation will allow you to override the pricing of an item in an order.


Request Parameters:

  • OrderId: The Id of the order to update
  • ItemId: The Id of the item to override the pricing
  • Price: The new price of the product

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Create New Order on Behalf of a Buyer (Sales Rep)

This feature allows you to create and submit a new order with your company on behalf of a buyer.


Request Parameters: Empty

  • BuyerId: The Id of the buyer for whom you are placing an order

Request Body:

  • RequestedShipString: Any notes or additional instrunctions in regards to the requested shipping
  • RequestedShipDate: The date that you request the order be shipped
  • Name: A display name for the order (if not supplied, the name will be automatically generated with the date
  • SubmitNow: Default: False. A boolean value that indicates the order should be submitted to the supplier as soon as the order is placed.
  • BuyerPoNumber: Your PO number for this order
  • Notes: Any notes for the order
  • Items: An array of items to purchase. Either Id OR PrivateSKU is required.
  • DetailNotes: An array of notes for individual items in the order
  • UseAlternateAddress: Default: False. Use the alternate address as a shipping address
  • AlternateReceiverName: The receiver of the shipment if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateAddress: The streed address to ship the package to if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateCity: The city to ship the package to if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternatePostalCode: The Postal code (Canada) or Zip Code (US) if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateProvince: The Province (Canada) or State (US) if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternatePhone: The phone number for the alternate shipping address
  • AlternateSpecialInstructions: Special instructions for shipping to the alternate address

Items contains an array of items and quantities to purchase

Id OR PrivateSKU is required

  • Id: The OrderEase Id of the product to purchase
  • PrivateSKU: The SKU of the product to purchase
  • Quantity: The quanity to purchase of this item

DetailNotes contains an array of notes for individual line items.

Id is required

  • Id: The OrderEase Id of the product to make a note one
  • Note: The note of the product

Sample Request:

  "Name": "Summer Stock",
  "SubmitNow": true,
  "Notes": "Shipping to BC location. Thanks",
  "UseAlternateAddress: true,
  "AlternateCity": "Vernon",
  "AlternateProvince": "BC",
  "AlternateAddress": "10 Skyway Road",
  "AlternateReceiverName": "Bill Buyer",
  "Items": [
    	"Id": 12566,
    	"Quantity": 100
    	"PrivateSKU": "CO02255",
    	"Quantity": 250

Response Body:

The response will be the Id of the newly created order. If there was an issue, the response will be -1

Promotion Services

This endpoint contains a variety of tools to help promote your sales and services through OrderEase.

App Links

OrderEase has apps to allow your customers to easily and conveniently order when on the go.

These apps can be downloaded manually via the app store, at the links below or using this endpoint we can send an SMS to their phone with the links enabled.

Download on iOS
Download on Google Play


Request Parameters:

  • CellNumber: A cell number to send the text message to with the links

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Send Email Catalog

Send a copy of your current catalog to the given email address


Request Parameters:

  • Email: The email address to send the catalog to

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Add a Lead

This allows you to create a Lead in OrderEase. A Lead allows you to create a contact for future communications and mailing lists without creating an account for them.


Request Body:

  • Name: The company name of the engagement to create
  • Email: General email address of the engagement
  • Cell: General phone number or cell phone number of the engagement
  • Address: Primary address, typically a street address
  • City: City where the company is located
  • Country: Country where the company is located (must be "Canada", "US" or "Other")
  • ProvState: The 2 character abbreviation of the province (Canada) or State (US) where the company is located
  • PostalCode: Postal code (for Canadian companies) or Zip code (for U.S. companies)
  • ContactName: Name of the primary contact at this company
  • CompanyType: Description of the requesting company type, such as “Retail” or “Municipality”.

Response Body:

Response: The response will contain the “Error” and “Success” properties, but no result.

    "Error": null,
    "Success": true

Creating Orders

This group of functions gives you access to create and manipulate orders

Create New Order

Create and submit a new order to a supplier.


Request Parameters:

  • SupplierId: The Id of the supplier to place the order with

Request Body:

  • RequestedShipString: Any notes or additional instructions in regards to the requested shipping
  • RequestedShip: The date that you request the order be shipped
  • Name: A display name for the order (if not supplied, the name will be automatically generated with the date
  • SubmitNow: Default: False. A boolean value that indicates the order should be submitted to the supplier as soon as the order is placed.
  • BuyerPoNumber: Your PO number for this order
  • Notes: Any notes for the order
  • Items: An array of items to purchase. Either Id OR PrivateSKU is required.
  • DetailNotes: An array of notes for individual items in the order
  • UseAlternateAddress: Default: False. Use the alternate address as a shipping address
  • AlternateReceiverName: The receiver of the shipment if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateAddress: The streed address to ship the package to if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateCity: The city to ship the package to if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternatePostalCode: The Postal code (Canada) or Zip Code (US) if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateProvince: The Province (Canada) or State (US) if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternatePhone: The phone number for the alternate shipping address
  • AlternateSpecialInstructions: Special instructions for shipping to the alternate address

Items contains an array of items and quantities to purchase

Id OR PrivateSKU is required

  • Id: The OrderEase Id of the product to purchase
  • PrivateSKU: The SKU of the product to purchase
  • Quantity: The quanity to purchase of this item

DetailNotes contains an array of notes for individual line items.

Id is required

  • Id: The OrderEase Id of the product to make a note one
  • Note: The note of the product

Sample Request:

	"Name": "Summer Stock",
	"SubmitNow": true,
	"Notes": "Shipping to BC location. Thanks",
	"UseAlternateAddress: true,
	"AlternateCity": "Vernon",
	"AlternateProvince": "BC",
	"AlternateAddress": "10 Skyway Road",
	"AlternateReceiverName": "Bill Buyer",
	"Items": [
			"Id": 12566,
			"Quantity": 100
			"PrivateSKU": "CO02255",
			"Quantity": 250

Response Body:

The response will be the Id of the newly created order. If there was an issue, the response will be -1

Update Order Details

This feature allows you to update the details of an order for shipping, status and other information not relating to the line items.


Request Body:

  • Id: Required. The Id of the order to update information
  • SubmitNow: Default: False. A boolean value that indicates the order should be submitted to the supplier as soon as the order is placed.
  • BuyerPoNumber: Your PO number for this order
  • UseAlternateAddress: Default: False. Use the alternate address as a shipping address
  • AlternateReceiverName: The receiver of the shipment if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateAddress: The streed address to ship the package to if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateCity: The city to ship the package to if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternatePostalCode: The Postal code (Canada) or Zip Code (US) if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternateProvince: The Province (Canada) or State (US) if using an alternate shipping address
  • AlternatePhone: The phone number for the alternate shipping address
  • AlternateSpecialInstructions: Special instructions for shipping to the alternate address

Sample Request:

  "Name": "Summer Stock",
  "SubmitNow": true,
  "Notes": "Shipping to BC location. Thanks",
  "UseAlternateAddress: true,
  "AlternateCity": "Vernon",
  "AlternateProvince": "BC",
  "AlternateAddress": "10 Skyway Road",
  "AlternateReceiverName": "Bill Buyer"
  "BuyerPoNumber": "SC0445"

Response Body:

The response will contain the "Error" and "Success" properties, but no result.

Update Items

This feature allows you to add, remove or update the items and quantities in an existing order.


Request Body:

A list of item Ids and the updated quantities

Sample Request:

    "Id": 56442,
    "Quantity": 50
    "Id": 88750,
    "Quantity": 25

Response Body:

The response will contain the "Error" and "Success" properties, but no result.

Add a Favorite

This feature allows you to flag your favorite products.


Request Parameters: Empty

  • ItemId: The ID of the item to flag as a favorite

Request Body: Empty

Response Body:

The response will contain the "Error" and "Success" properties, but no result.

Remove a Favorite

This feature allows you to unflag your favorite products.


Request Parameters: Empty

  • ItemId: The ID of the item to unflag as a favorite

Request Body: Empty

Response Body:

The response will contain the "Error" and "Success" properties, but no result.

Get Minimum Order for Supplier

This feature allows you to retrieve the minimum order value for a supplier.


Request Parameters: Empty

  • SupplierId: The Id of the supplier

Request Body: Empty

Response Body:

The response will contain the minimum order price for an order for this supplier

Product Locations

Supplier inventory can be assigned to a location (as broad as a warehouse or as specified as a shelf) in order to simplify the process of preparing an order for shipping from a pick-list. This is optional – items do not need to be assigned to a location. Our API provides operations for you to get all your locations, add a new location, and rename an existing location.

Get All Locations


  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true, 
    "Result": [

            "Id": 14643, 
            "Name": "Orillia Warehouse" 

            "Id": 14644, 
            "Name": "Barrie Warehouse" 

Result Properties:

The result is an array of locations. The location object has the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for this location. Use this value when you need to specify a location in other calls, such as when adding an item to inventory.
  • Name: The location name.

Add A Product Location


  • Request Body: Contains an AddLocationRequest object, with a single property,”Name” which is required and cannot be blank.
    "Name": "New Location Name"

Sample Response: A location object with the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for this location. Use this value when you need to specify a location in other calls, such as when adding an item to inventory.
  • Name: The location name
    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true, 

        "Id": 14643, 
        "Name": "New Location Name" 

Product Categories

Supplier inventory is organized into categories to make it easier for buyers to search for and find what they’re looking for. Suppliers must define at least one category, and each item must be assigned to a single category. Categories may be organized into a hierarchy, such that a category may have no parent (i.e. a root category) or one parent, and may have zero to many children. Our API provides methods to fetch categories, add categories, rename categories and reassign categories to new parents.

Get All Categories


  • Request Body: Empty
  • Sample Response:
    "Error": null,
    "Success": true,
    "Result": [

            "Depth": 0,
            "Id": 14643,
            "Name": "ABELIA",
            "ParentCategoryId": null

Result Properties:

The result is an array of categories. Categories are arranged in a hierarchy so that a category can have zero to one parents, and zero to many children. The category object has the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for this category. Use this value when you need to specify a category in other calls, such as when adding an item to inventory.
  • Depth: A zero-based index which indicates how many generations of parents this category has. If zero, it has no parent. If one, it has a parent of depth 0. If two, it has a parent, and it has a parent of depth 0….etc.
  • Name: The category name
  • ParentCategoryId: The Id of this category’s parent, if any (will be null when depth is zero.)

Add A Category


  • Request Body: Contains an AddCategoryRequest object, with two properties: Name and ParentCategoryId. The name is required and cannot be blank. The ParentCategoryId may be blank, but if present, must contain a valid ID of one of your existing categories. If the ParentCategoryId is null, this new category will have no parents (it will be a root category). If present, the new category will be a child of the specified parent category.
    "Name": "New Category Name", 
    "ParentCategoryId": null 

Sample Response: A category object with the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for this category. Use this value when you need to specify a category in other calls, such as when adding an item to inventory.
  • Depth: A zero-based index which indicates how many generations of parents this category has. If zero, it has no parent. If one, it has a parent of depth 0. If two, it has a parent, and it has a parent of depth 0….etc.
  • Name: The category name
  • ParentCategoryId: The Id of this category’s parent, if any (will be null when depth is zero.)
    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true, 

        "Depth": 0, 
        "Id": 14643, 
        "Name": "New Category Name", 
        "ParentCategoryId": null 

Rename A Category


  • Request Body: Contains a RenameCategoryRequest object, with two properties: NewName and Id. The “NewName” is required and cannot be blank. The Id is the Id of the category getting renamed, and must be a valid ID of one of your existing categories.
    "NewName": "New Category Name", 
    "Id": 17716 

Sample Response: A category object with the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for this category. Use this value when you need to specify a category in other calls, such as when adding an item to inventory.
  • Depth: A zero-based index which indicates how many generations of parents this category has. If zero, it has no parent. If one, it has a parent of depth 0. If two, it has a parent, and it has a parent of depth 0….etc.
  • Name: The category name
  • ParentCategoryId: The Id of this category’s parent, if any (will be null when depth is zero.)
    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true, 

        "Depth": 0, 
        "Id": 17716, 
        "Name": "New Category Name", 
        "ParentCategoryId": null 

Assign A New Parent


  • Request Body: Contains an AssignNewCategoryParentRequest object, with two properties: NewParentId and Id. The “NewParentId” is not required but if supplied must be a valid ID for one of your existing categories. If null or not supplied, the category will essentially become a “root” category, with no parents. The Id is the Id of the category that is getting the new parent, and must be a valid ID of one of your existing categories.
    "NewParentId": 12, 
    "Id": 17716 

Sample Response: A category object with the following properties:

  • Id: Unique identifier for this category. Use this value when you need to specify a category in other calls, such as when adding an item to inventory.
  • Depth: A zero-based index which indicates how many generations of parents this category has. If zero, it has no parent. If one, it has a parent of depth 0. If two, it has a parent, and it has a parent of depth 0….etc.
  • Name: The category name
  • ParentCategoryId: The Id of this category’s parent, if any (will be null when depth is zero.)
    "Error": null, 
    "Success": true, 

        "Depth": 1, 
        "Id": 17716, 
        "Name": "Category Name", 
        "ParentCategoryId": 12 